How to get started in writing and keep at it

A grossly exaggerated 5 step guide on writing


4 min read

How to get started in writing and keep at it

Have you ever been through these scenarios?

  • "Have you ever wanted to write something but can't put the words?"
  • "Or maybe you have started writing but can't seem to give it time?"
  • "Ever feel like you have nothing to say?"
  • "Feel that what you want to say is not worth it?"

Yes! every one of us has been through that! Heck, I am currently in the midst of being through these.

So what keeps me going? Why can I write this? How can I write this?

well, here are my steps to writing.



Yep. Just Write.

We all have to start somewhere right? So write to your heart's content.
It doesn't matter if what you're writing makes sense. Just write.
Even if it is just a small phrase. Just write.
Have nothing to say? then write "I have nothing to say."

See what I mean here, Just write.

I do this to keep my creative juices flowing because most of the day I just don't know what to say. I only started writing in a journal last May and to be honest, it's been a while since I scribbled on that thing.

So when I was writing there that's what I would do... Just Write.

Because at the end of the day if you just write, well then you have written something.

Makes sense? Cool! on to the next step.

Check Your Grammar


Well, You're probably thinking "But I am not good at English!" or "English is not my first language!"

It's fine! You don't need to be a master of the English tongue to be able to write. (because you write with your hand not your tongue ๐Ÿ˜œ)

jokes aside, you really don't need to master English.

You just need enough knowledge to get your point through.

Actually, it will be better if you don't even use any highfaluting words like what I did right here.

Because the simpler the words we use the easier it is to understand.

and for the difference between your, you're and you are, use Grammarly

grammarly page.PNG Grammarly is a cross-platform cloud-based writing assistant that reviews spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, engagement, and delivery mistakes.

It is free to install as a browser extension. and helps me a lot with spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and it even autocompletes/autocorrects my sentences.

So thanks Grammarly!

Read What You Wrote

Now that you have written something. Read it!

Okay? Done reading? Now answer the ff. questions:

  • Did you understand what you read?

  • Did it make sense to you?

  • Were your ideas presented as you wanted them?

  • Are you satisfied with what you wrote?

If you answered No to any of these questions we go to the next step.



This is the part where we fine-tune our work.

"But you said to Just Write!", you say?

Yes, yes, I know but just because I said to just write doesn't mean to just write everything.

I know it's fun and all but you have a message to give to the readers and this is the time to make sure that what you wrote will give them that message.

But don't get stuck editing your work. Always remember...

Be Content

Look, let's be honest. Nobody's perfect.
There will be some who disagree with what you wrote. There will be some who don't like your writing style. Heck, there will be some who just don't seem to like you, and everything about you, just because of the article you wrote.

But it's okay.

Nobody's perfect. and your work doesn't have to be.

If you like your work then it's done. Otherwise, your article would spend all this time being saved as a draft


So in conclusion.

after I wasted all your time, all you need to do is:

  • EDIT and

And during all of that make sure to have fun!

Cover image by Nick Morrison

I know this article may have missed some marks when it comes to technical writing, but hey! Baby steps! Catch you guys again soon!
